Monday, August 17, 2009

3rd week

Last Friday is my 3rd week of using OLIVENOL.

Nowadays i'am reducing the dosage to 2ml per day.
Its seem my skin problem is still there..but there a lot of improvement that i can feel.

1. There are no more itch on my psoriasis.

2. The psoriasis growth has been slow down.Usually its take about 3 day to growth after a shampoo treatment..but last week its take about 7days to growth..i hope i will never growth anymore!!

I have been keep my self to no more sleep late night..BYE..bye EPL..sobb!!sobb!! more smoking and I have a fresh food for the breakfast..everyday..

Kiwi and fresh food for this whole week..


  1. Salam...

    Harap2 masalah psoriasis kita akan selesai..Insyaallah! Anyway selamat berpuasa!

  2. Fairuz, we will send you new supply to last another 2 months.

    Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
